Riem Italy’s Revolutionary Compressed Air System: A Customized, Efficient Solution for Industrial Compressors

Riem Italy’s Revolutionary Compressed Air System: A Customized, Efficient Solu...

By Germana Falcone

Riem Italy, a leading authority in the overhaul and assembly of industrial compressors, has unveiled an innovative aluminum ring compressed air system for CE.CA.SA. Choosing the Airnet system has proven to be a triumphant decision, attributed to its high-performance features and adaptability to the specialized requirements of the industrial sector.

The aluminum piping systems supplied by Riem Italy are comprehensive and modular, providing a bespoke solution right from the calculation, design, and installation stages. This flexibility allows for modifications to the system based on specific company needs, ensuring a reliable and efficient compressed air flow.

Key Features of the Airnet System:

Minimal Pressure Drops: Careful design of the system helps in minimizing pressure drops, ensuring an even distribution of compressed air throughout the system.
Low Internal Friction: The aluminum pipes exhibit a low friction coefficient, facilitating optimal compressed air flow and reducing pressure losses.
Leak-Proof System: With the utilization of suitable seals and joints, the Airnet system eradicates leaks from the compressor to application, enhancing energy efficiency and lowering operational costs.
ISO 8573-1 Certification: The system upholds international standards, guaranteeing the quality and reliability of the compressed air system.
Premium Class 1:2:0 Aluminum: The pipes are crafted using top-quality aluminum, ensuring resistance to corrosion and a durable lifespan.
Long-lasting Performance: Due to its high-quality production and stringent quality control, the Airnet system promises dependable long-term performance.
Riem Italy’s decision to employ the Airnet system has been immensely beneficial for CE.CA.SA. This aluminum ring compressed air system brings forth several advantages such as increased air flow with equal diameter, low friction coefficient, and eradication of corrosion issues due to the materials and treatments used.

Designed by Riem Italy, the network allows for system modulation based on business objectives, optimizing production and minimizing energy costs. Riem Italy’s extensive experience in the compressed air sector ensures that the aluminum piping installation is swift and efficient, saving on both time and installation costs.

In conclusion, the aluminum ring compressed air system engineered by Riem Italy for CE.CA.SA using the Airnet system exemplifies a reliable, efficient, and adaptable solution to optimize production and curtail energy expenses. With features such as low pressure drops, low internal friction, leak-proof nature, ISO certification, and premium aluminum usage, the system ensures sustainable performance and stringent quality control. Choosing Riem Italy as a partner in developing compressed air systems continues to be a successful strategy, reinforcing their position as a sector leader.

Riem Italy

RIEM Italy is a company based in Rome that has been active in the compressed air sector for over 40 years. It produces AIREND and COOLERS compatible with the oil-free compressors of the "Z" series. It also offers maintenance services for volumetric compressors (screw, piston, lubricated and oil-free lobes), blowers, vacuum pumps, dryers, and everything related to the production and treatment of compressed air.


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